Webinar: Atdikbud KBRI Washington DC Selenggarakan BIANKA Ke-34 Studi di AS

Kabar Diplomasi  
KBRI Washington DC (Kemlu.go.id)
KBRI Washington DC (Kemlu.go.id)

DIPLOMASI REPUBLIKA, Washington DC--Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Atdikbud) KBRI Washington DC, Amerika Serikat, kembali menggelar webinar mengenai studi di Negeri Paman Sam. Webinar Bincang Karya (BIANKA) ini merupakan webinar pendidikan seri yang ke-34. Kali ini webinar bertajuk 'Increasing the Collaborations of Research, Education, and Scholarships of Study in the USA'.

Webinar tersebut juga akan ditayangkan secara langsung di Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/AtdikbudUSAPage).

Registration and Zoom Link https://bit.ly/BIANKA_34

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(Certificate will be provided)


- US Time: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 09.00 PM ET

- Indonesia Time: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 At 08.00 AM WIB


- Rosan P.Roeslani, BA.,MBA (Ambassador Indonesian Embassy Washington, D.C. USA.)

- Andin Hadiyanto, Ph.D (President Director of LPDP Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education)

Session Chair:

Prof. Popy Rufaidah (Educational and Cultural Attaché Indonesian Embassy, Washington, D.C.)


Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, Ph.D (Department of English Education, Faculty Languages and Literature Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia MRPTNI)


- Jerlando F.L.Jackson, Ph.D (Department Chair of Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

- Dr. Betsy McEneaney (Department Chair of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies College of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

- Dr. Sheryl Tucker (Dean of Graduate College, Oklahoma State University)


- Aziz Awaludin (Doctoral Program, Education Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fullbright AMINEF)

- Nanak Hikmatullah (Doctoral Program, Teacher Education and School Improvement University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Fullbright AMINEF)

- Jati Ariati (Doctoral Program, Educational Psychology, Oklahoma State University, Fullbright AMINEF)

Supported by:

-Indonesian Embassy, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Educational and Cultural Attaché

-LPDP, Ministry of Finance, Rep. of Indonesia

-Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities




KBRI Washington, D.C., Amerika Serikat (2020 Massachusetts Ave NW. Washington, DC 20036. U.S.A.)

Email: education@embassyofindonesia.org, atdikbud.wdc@kemdikbud.go.id


Kontak Info

Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No 37 Jakarta Selatan 12510 ext

Phone: 021 780 3747

[email protected] (Marketing)

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